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The Career Development Policy Group brings together a range of organisations who believe that it is essential that citizens have an opportunity to access support in their careers. The group works with the Government and other stakeholders to develop policies and initiatives that support career development.
The CDPG worked with Policy Connect and the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Skills, Careers and Employment to host a parliamentary roundtable event at the House of Lords on Wednesday 11th December.
Chaired by Lord Knight of Weymouth, the event examined how careers guidance can be an overarching driver of economic and social change, from tackling youth unemployment and economic inactivity, to raising productivity, addressing skills shortages, improving social mobility and readying the workforce for the future AI and net zero economy.
You can download the Executive Summary of the event 'Unlocking Potential - How Career Guidance Can Fuel Economic Growth' to read more on the discussion and the recommendations from the event.
Executive Summary Unlocking Potential - How Career Guidance Can Fuel Economic Growth (pdf)
DownloadAhead of the 2024 general election, Professor Tristram Hooley from iCeGS introduces the revised Career Guidance Guarantee and how you can help by sharing it with your parliamentary candidates.
This powerful analysis of the careers system in England was launched on 18th July 2023 at the APPG for Skills, Careers and Employment roundtable, co-hosted by the CDPG and Policy Connect at the Houses of Parliament.
It is a critical document supporting the call for a Career Guidance Guarantee for all young people and adults in England. Written by Tristram Hooley, Chris Percy and Siobhan Neary, with a forward by Baroness Garden of Frognal who chaired the roundtable, the report outlines the career guidance system in England, it's strengths and challenges and the key components of the Career Guidance Guarantee.
It then examines the current spend on the career guidance system - including both direct and indirect government funding - and estimates the additional funds that would be required to achieve the Guarantee. As well as additional funding, the paper makes the case for using existing funding more effectively, requiring a strategic and collaborative approach from government. Finally, the paper analyses the benefits such investment could bring to the economy and society.
InvestinginCareersReport (pdf)
DownloadAmong our activities to raise the profile of career development within the policy arena, the CDPG produces briefing papers, writes to Ministers and other key stakeholders, authors influential reports and organises events such as the Great debate.
We also share reports and resources from others that are valuable in understanding and affecting careers strategy and policy in England.
Most of this is available publicly, and we welcome feedback, suggestions on future policy briefings and offers to collaborate.
Learn more about the purpose, scope, organisation, engagement and funding of the Career Development Policy Group.
AGCAS is the UK and Ireland expert membership organisation for higher education student career development and graduate employment professionals.
AoC is the national voice for colleges and exists to promote and support their interests. Everything AoC does is aimed at helping colleges deliver on their purpose and to make an impact.
The CDI is the professional body for everyone working in career development in the UK, supporting members and championing the career development profession.
Careers England is the trade association for organisations providing Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) in England for people of all ages.
CRAC provides research, intelligence and innovation services for all those who support the career development of people of all ages and in all sectors.
The IEP is the membership body for employability professionals. The IEP is dedicated to supporting the people who support others gain work, progress in work and retain work.
ISE is a membership organisation acting as the UK’s voice for student employers. Our vision is that the success of every business is maximised by full access to student talent.
iCeGS is a research centre with expertise in career development and widening access. We conduct research, consultancy and training and learning programmes up to doctoral level.
Our vision is for the UK to lead in technology for education and research. Jisc provides technology solutions for colleges, universities, research centres and public bodies.
NICEC is committed to serious thinking and innovation in career development work. Founded in 1975, NICEC is a learned society for reflective career development practitioners.
UNISON is the UK’s largest union with more than 1.3 million members providing public services in education, local government, the NHS, police service and energy.
If you'd like more information about the CDPG, have ideas you'd like to share regarding policy issues and careers strategy, or are interested in working with or joining the CDPG, please do get in touch.